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Eat Organic, Beat Cancer

Eat Organic, Beat Cancer

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A French study that examined the diets of nearly 70,000 volunteers

(mostly women) found that those who ate organic food had 25

percent fewer incidences of cancer — especially lymphoma and breast cancer — than 

adults who never consumed organic

foods. However, Frank B. Hu, Ph.D., chairman of the

department of nutrition at Harvard, says eating more fruits and vegetables overall — organic 

or not — is the best way to prevent

cancer. If your access to organic foods is limited or if they are fi nancially out of reach, pick 

and choose your organic produce.

Foods that contain the most pesticides include strawberries, spinach,

nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, sweet bell 

peppers and hot peppers.


Research examining the correlation between nutrients and brain health isn’t necessarily

new, but how they are examining the connection is: Instead of inferring

brain health from a cognitive test, researchers at the University of Illinois directly

examined participants’ brains using high-resolution brain imaging. Subjects

with good brain connectivity had higher blood levels of omega-3s, omega-6s

and carotene, indicating a more healthful diet. And since faster brain connections

boost energy and immunity and help reduce the risk of diseases such as dementia

and Alzheimer’s, eating foods such as nuts, seeds, avocadoes, beans, leafy

greens, sweet potatoes and squash could be the key to good mental health.

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