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5 gym exercises for pregnant women

5 gym exercises for pregnant women

5 gym exercises for pregnant women
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                                                     5 gym exercises for pregnant women 

The benefits of the gym during pregnancy
Exercise 1: The front slot
Exercise 2: Squats
Exercise 3: the equilibrium table
Exercise 4: Scissors
Exercise 5: legs on the walls

 Knowledge about gym and pregnancy is changing, mentalities and beliefs must follow. Today the benefits of pregnant sport are well established. The medical body widely advises the regular pregnant gym. Discover a program of 5 easy exercises to do at home throughout your pregnancy.

The benefits of the gym during pregnancy

The benefits of the gym during pregnancy are well established, although for a long time in France, pregnant physical activity was not recommended except walking. Today the medical profession knows that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for the mother and the baby during pregnancy. Pregnant women with no medical contraindications are encouraged to exercise during pregnancy and to move.

Walking is the 1st recommended pregnant exercise, with swimming and prenatal yoga. These pregnant sports are an excellent preparation for childbirth.

Practiced regularly, the gym for pregnant women has real benefits such as:

reduces the risk of: hypertension, diabetes, postpartum depression or baby blues, arthritis and cancer ...
less pain during pregnancy;
less stress, and increased feeling of well-being;
increased self-esteem;
childbirth easier and faster.
Today, the follow-up of pregnant women allows a good supervision, with the possibility to integrate a program of gym during the pregnancy followed by the gynecologist or the midwife.

Exercise 1: The front slot

Standing, feet apart from the width of your hips, your back straight, take a step forward. Bend the front knee without going over your toes, then return to the standing starting position. You can put your hands on the hips, or spread your arms to the side to keep the balance.

Regions and muscles involved: the curve of the buttocks (gluteus maximus), upper and lower thighs (quadriceps and hamstrings), lower back (lumbar muscles) solicited as stabilizers.

Make 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions according to your abilities and your current form.

Variant for sporty pregnant woman or athlete: take small alters of 1 to 2kg, or small bottles of water in the hands to increase the difficulty.

Exercise 2: Squats

Material: With or without gym ball (big ball).

standing back against a wall or against the ball on the wall;
spread your feet a little more than the width of your hips;
keep your back straight against the wall or balloon;
inhale, bend the knees at a 90 ° angle: lower the buttocks against the wall, or roll the ball against the wall to the ground, at your hips maximum;
hold the position 2 to 3 seconds;
blow and lift your buttocks by pushing on your feet, back against the wall or balloon. The ball goes up and then rolls up.
Areas and muscles required: buttocks (gluteus maximus), upper and lower thighs (quadriceps and hamstrings), lower back (lumbar), abdominal.

Variant for beginner, sports or athlete: Use a rubber band with handle. Place the elastic under your feet grab a handful in each hand. By keeping the back straight, athletes and athletes can do without the wall and do squats.

Exercise 3: the equilibrium table

stand on all fours, shoulders above wrists, and hips above knees;
keep your back straight;
bring back the pubis towards the navel, you will feel a slight contraction of the abdominals, and a slight stretch of the lower back. Hold throughout the exercise;
inhale and extend the right arm forward. Your arm stays at your ear level;
blow, hold;
inhale again and extend the left leg without raising the left hip to the ceiling. The arm, spine and leg are aligned;
keep your head in line with the column. Imagine holding an orange against your sternum and throat with your chin;
keep the posture on 3 to 5 deep breaths (inhale + expir = 1 breath),;
then relax in the child's posture (buttocks on heels, knees apart, toes touching each other, forehead with the hairline against the ground) Relax while breathing through the back;
start again on the other side (left arm with right leg;

Practice between 3 to 5 times on each side depending on your abilities and your shape.

Region and muscles required: gluteus maximus (buttocks), hamstrings (back of the thighs), lumbar muscles (lower back), posterior deltoid (back of the shoulder), abdominal muscles that help to keep the back straight.

Variation: Athletic or athlete, practice with a rubber band attached to the hand and to the foot of the extended leg.

Exercise 4: Scissors

material: 1 elastic with handle + 1 chair

Take a chair and stand behind the back;
place your rubber band on the floor in the direction of the chair;
put yourself in profile in relation to the chair, and release the coccyx towards the ground (pubis towards the navel);
place the foot closest to the chair on the elastic band;
put the other foot in the handle;
inhale, grow up, imagine a thread at the top of your head pulling you up;
Blow up, lift the foot in the handle, toes turned inward to work the gluteus medius. Your foot is moving away from the side of your support leg. You do a lateral elevation (or abduction);
bring the leg away from the width of the pelvis;
practice 5 to 10 times;
change sides.
Do 2 to 3 sets of 5 to 10 repetitions on each leg.

Required regions and muscles: curved buttocks + side (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata), quadriceps and lumbar muscles.

Variation: Beginner, athlete or athlete, do this exercise with weights (weight attached to the ankles).

Exercise 5: legs on the walls

The benefits of this posture:

relieves heavy legs and edema;
soothes the mind;
stretches at the pelvis and legs.
While lying on your back, put your buttocks against a wall as close as you can. With each breath, relax the muscles of your back a little more and relax. Lay your legs against the wall, feet up.

Spread arms, palms up. Release the shoulders, neck and trapezius. Let your body become heavy. Feel that feeling of heaviness. Do 5 to 10 deep breaths, relax a little more each time you blow.

Tip: If you lack flexibility, place a cushion under your buttocks and lower back.

Variation: Bend your knees and remove them from the wall by putting the bottom of your feet together. Your legs are in butterfly, feet against the wall.

Practice regularly to enjoy the benefits of these gym exercises during pregnancy. You can practice the entire session, or 1 pregnant gym exercise a day. Indulge yourself, practice smoothly and go at your own pace.

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