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Does skipping breakfast have an impact on weight?

Does skipping breakfast have an impact on weight?

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"Eat at breakfast like a king, eat like a prince, and dine like a poor man. "

This famous formula comes from the nutritionist Adelle Davis and dates from the 

mid-twentieth century.

It was pronounced well before the slogan of the "most important meal of the day" 

breakfast was used as a marketing tactic for breakfast cereals (Cornflakes, Smacks, 

Choco Pops, Frosties, Special K, Cheerios , etc.)

However, scientific studies on this subject have not provided a very clear answer.

In the past, studies have indicated that a rich breakfast allows:

accelerate the metabolism in the day, that is to say give more energy and therefore 

burn more calories; [1]

reduce cravings during the day and reduce the quantities eaten during other meals.

In addition, a good breakfast helps children and teenagers grow up normally and 

stay attentive all morning in class. [2]

In my case, I have a good breakfast in the morning, often salty (boiled eggs, 

avocado, bacon or even green beans, lentils in salad ...). This allows me to work 

without asking questions until at least 13 hours. If I do not eat or if I have to settle for 

a coffee and a toast with jam, I am less focused and think regularly my stomach from 

10h or 11h ...

But when it comes to the weight benefits of having a good breakfast, things are not 

so clear.

A new review of studies published by Australian researchers in the British Medical 

Journal shows that there is not enough evidence today to justify the 

recommendation to have a good-breakfast to lose weight or just keep line. [3]

Researchers from Melbourne's Monash University analyzed 13 randomized 

controlled trials, comparing people having breakfast to people jumping it.

They observed that those who eat breakfast consume on average 260 more calories 

per day than those who do not. On average, these people weigh half a kilo more than 


The researcher who led the study cautioned the public, "Be careful, people who eat 

breakfast also have a general behavior in life that is different from those who skip 

breakfast," which could explain the difference.

Those who skip breakfast are, in fact, often more stressed, active and tense. They go 

to bed late and they are in a hurry. (This is a general trend of course, and not an 

absolute rule).

Those who take a good breakfast in the morning spend more time at the table, they 

appreciate the good food, take care of themselves and in particular ... their stomach.

The conclusion is that, most likely, having or not having breakfast in the morning 

does not affect, or very little, weight. Follow your desires. Do as you feel. Above all, 

do not worry about this, there are many other measures that have a much greater 

impact on your health (eg: eat less sugar, organic, take vitamin D ...)

Cheers !

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