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The 10 virtues of avocado for health

The 10 virtues of avocado for health

Contrary to popular belief, the lawyer is excellent for health. Here is a list of its benefits.

The avocado, this fruit from Mexico, is rather rich in fat, but it has many benefits for our health. Here are 10 good reasons to invite him to your plate.

1. Fiber for digestion

If your digestion is sometimes a little complicated, eat avocado. On average, an avocado contains 7% of fiber, which facilitates intestinal transit!

2. Avocado, an excellent appetite suppressant

In addition to its digestive virtues, the avocado has another quality: the fatty acids it contains quickly give the brain of the person who eats it the signal of satiety!

3. Phytosterols to lower cholesterol

The avocado acts on cholesterol levels in two distinct ways. First, it contains phytosterols that reduce LDL, called bad cholesterol. Then, it also contains oleic acid that increases the good cholesterol, HDL!

4. The lawyer has heart

The lawyer is fat, that's obvious. Except that the fats it contains are unsaturated fatty acids, which are excellent for the cardiovascular system.

5. Avocado as good as carrots

We know that carrots are known to be good for the eyes. Well, the lawyer too! It also contains carotenoids, in this case lutein.

6. The full of vitamins C and E

Avocado contains many vitamins, including vitamins C and E, and other vitamins that are often missing in our diet.

7. Avocado: Vitamin K

Vitamin K contained in avocado positively impacts blood sugar. It is a food recommended to diabetics, in particular.

8. Assumed anti-cancer virtues

Do not get too excited about the subject: some studies claim that the avocado has preventive anti-cancer, including prostate cancer. But that does not remain proven. No study says the opposite, it's essential.

9. Magnesium in quantity

Avocado also contains magnesium and potassium in addition to other vitamins. Excellent for pregnant women who suffer from vitamin deficiencies!

10. A natural anti-inflammatory

The antioxidant properties of avocado are indicated to contain or reduce inflammations, especially those of the endometrium, during menstruation.

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